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GPU performance test report

Single server overall test report

Since RELION, which is the dominant cryo-electron microscope software, has transplanted its code to GPU graphics card in version 2.0, the speed has improved dramatically, and work that once relied on a large number of X86 CPU servers in the computing cluster can now be done on a server with many graphics cards in the lab. This also makes this domain pay more and more attention to GPU graphics card.

For RELION , which depends on the cuda acceleration software, NVIDIA's graphics card is a better fit. However, NVIDIA has many graphics card products, ranging from cheap to expensive. For electron microscope structure laboratory or cryo-electron microscope computing platform, it is the most basic to choose the graphics card and server configuration with good cost performance. Therefore, Yuexin Life-Science has conducted a lot of tests for the mainstream NVIDIA graphics card products to provide users with a better configuration scheme.

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